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BASENJI Breed Standards


The Basenji hails from Central Africa, where it has been used as a hunting dog since ancient times. For thousands of years, the Basenji lived in close proximity to the Pygmy tribes and remained self-sufficient while still having interaction with humans. Though the modern Basenji has been domesticated by man, the breed historically belongs to a group called Schensi Dogs, which are considered undomesticated by humans. Other dogs that are part of this group include the Dingo and the Canaan Dog.

In Africa, the Basenji was used to find and drive marsupials from their homes into the waiting nets of their human counterparts. Tribesmen would often place bells crafted from shells and bones around the necks of their dogs as a way of keeping track of them. In 1870, an explorer in Africa named Dr. Schweinfurth brought a Basenji female back home with him, but was unable to study or breed her, as she jumped to her death from a window. In 1937, a breeder named Mrs. Olivia Burn showed her Basenji puppies which she acquired from African pygmies at Crufts. Beginning in the 1930s, the dog began to be seen outside of Africa and was given the name Basenji, Bantu for “bush thing.” In 1944, the Basenji was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club. To this day, it remains one of the most exotic and rare dog breeds in the Western world.

SKILLS: Basenji are small, unusual, elegant, athletic dogs about the size of a fox terrier, with a smooth shiny coat of copper, red, black and tan, black and brindle.

SIZE: Height: Dogs 16-17 inches (41-43 cm.) Bitches 15-16 inches (38-41 cm.) Weight: Dogs 22-26 pounds (10-12 kg.) Bitches 20-25 pounds (9-11 kg.)

COAT: Usually with white feet and white on the chest and tip of the tail. Individuals may also sport a white facial blaze, white legs and/or a white collar. The back is level; the legs are long, and the forehead is furrowed with wrinkles, giving it a worried look. The ears are straight and open in the front and its tail is set high and curls up over and slightly to either side of the back. Its eyes are small and almond shaped. Its thighs are muscular, and it has a flat skull.

CARE REQUIRED: Their strong desire to play can lead to behavior problems if left alone. Most Basenji problems usually involve a mismatch between owner and pet. The owners mistake the adjective "quiet' to mean inactive instead of noiseless; thus, they become harassed by an active, though relatively silent , dog.

CHARACTER: The Basenji is alert, affectionate, demanding, energetic and curious. It loves to play and makes a good pet, as long as it is handled regularly from an early age. It is very intelligent, responds well to training with a strong desire to please. They can be reserved with strangers. The Basenji is somewhat aloof, but can also form strong bonds with people. It should not be trusted with non-canine pets. They are usually patient, but do best with older considerate children. The Basenji dislike wet weather. They like to chew, so giving them lots of toys of their own would be a good idea. The breed likes to climb and can easily get over chain wire fences. Basenji are very clever at getting their own way, they succeed less by obstinacy than by charm. It has the unique properties of not barking (it makes a low, liquid ululation instead) and of cleaning itself like a cat. It can be described as speedy, frisky, tireless at play and teasing the owner into play.

EXERCISE: The Basenji need vigorous daily exercise. They have a tendency to become fat and lazy unless the owner is consistent about it.

SOCIAL BEHAVIOR: Very active pack-hunting dog of small game.

TRAINING: The Basenji will do okay in an apartment if it gets enough exercise. It is very active indoors and a small yard will do. The Basenji is happiest when it is kept with two or three other Basenji; they will not fight among themselves.

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